Steadfast and Sure

Domain Transfer

If you would like Anchor WebHost to transfer your name for you,  the following steps must be taken.

1. If you are transferring a DNS you must get the Authorization Code from your current Registrar and include it on the transfer form. 

2. You must be sure the DNS is UN-locked or else the transfer will fail. 

3. You must respond to the confirmation email you receive within 5 days or else the process will stop.  It is essential that the contact information is correct for the Administer as the confirmation email will be sent to them.

4. The transfer will extend your registration for one year PLUS the time left on your current expiration date.  Simply use the Transfer form below.

5. We can not transfer names that have been registered for less then 60 days or are within 10 days of the expiration date.

You may transfer domains from any Registrars through the Anchor WebHost's  Transfer Form. 

Click here to Transfer a Domain Name now